I think we all can agree that Kirkland’s downtown is very “walkable.” I live two blocks from Lake Street and walk with my one-year-old daughter twice a day. I have been finding it more and more difficult to avoid smoke from people smoking outside doorways on the sidewalk. Last week, I strolled past three coffee shops until I finally found one whose entrance wasn’t clouded by smoke from people smoking at outdoor tables.
People apparently need to be reminded that Washington State passed Initiative 901 in 2005 that prohibits smoking within 25 feet of entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes that serve enclosed areas.
I highly suggest local businesses start enforcing this Initiative because frequent customers like myself are being chased away. I will not compromise my baby’s health or my own to support local-small business. Also, a big show of appreciation to Kirkland’s Ladro Coffee shop that does enforce this Initiative. Keep up the good work!
Sandi Bazemore, Kirkland