Kirkland Council candidate Nixon’s disregard speaks volumes about his character | LETTER

I think that a voter learns much more about the character of a political candidate when that candidate is not actively campaigning for one office or another.

I think that a voter learns much more about the character of a political candidate when that candidate is not actively campaigning for one office or another.

Several years ago one of my grandsons was on the same baseball team with a son of Toby Nixon. The team had a game at Big Finn Hill Park on a gorgeous sunny afternoon.

My son and I set up our chairs to the left of home plate leaving a bit of space between our chairs and the backstop that would protect us from wild pitches and errant foul balls. Soon Toby arrived and proceeded to set up his own chair between us and the backstop.

If you’ve ever seen Toby, you know that he is a rather large man so you’ll understand that he completely blocked our view of the field.

His complete disregard for our being there spoke volumes to me about his character.

I’ll be voting for Jessica Greenway in my first opportunity to vote for the Kirkland City Council as a recently annexed resident.

Shauna Fitzgerald, Kirkland