Last week I had asked my daughter what she wanted for her ninth birthday which was on July 1. Her only request was that we “help the poor people who need clean water.” She didn’t want presents or a big birthday party. She simply wanted to help people get clean water.
Her goal was $90, or 10 people to donate $9. So I set up a campaign page for her on I posted it on my facebook and also on Be Neighborly Kirkland.
Well, six days later, she is way past her goal of $90 (she has since upped her goal to $509). As of today, she is at $818.
She has even had strangers from Be Neighborly donate to her campaign. That is pretty amazing! Check out her campaign page.
Thank you to the Kirkland Community for donating to charity: water and for putting a big smile on my daughter’s face.
Deanna Woo, Kirkland