There is an urgent need to solve the budget crisis. Citizens should remember what caused the crisis that caused Rep. Springer to propose legislation that would help exonerate the council from its bad decision. As a result, the council incurred millions more in debt by annexation.
The proposed legislation allows up to $1 million from REET funds to be spent on maintenance rather than new capital facility projects, money that could have been used to help pay for the new facilities needed for annexation. The $1 million can now be used as a slush fund and lacks the accountability that REET funds had.
But it’s good news for the current residents of Kirkland. That’s because we just might get our garbage cans back. More of the new capital facilities going to the annexation area will at least require the annexation area to help pay for the cost.
Councilmember Walen support of the measure is in line with her support for annexation. No wonder she wants more of the REET funds to find her not guilty in her decision to add millions in debt to the city’s budget that we now must pay for.
Thanks Mr. Springer for your efforts. We now may get our garbage cans back, but it will be at the expense of all of the citizens of Kirkland. As for the annexation area, they’ll have to pony up more money to help pay for their capital facilities.
Bob Style, Kirkland