Milkin home rebuild featured in national publication

The National Enquirer has published a story about the effort to rebuild the Milkin home and how the community and local businesses came together to make it happen. It is the featured “Acts of Kindness” story for the Nov. 1 edition.

I am thrilled that our fabulous community effort will be featured nationally. In these tough economic times when the construction industry has been hit hardest our local businesses stepped up to help, as did countless individuals.

While much has been accomplished, there is still a bit more work to be done, such as rebuilding the garage, finishing the basement and landscaping. We would like to give Sgt. Milkin the peace that his family’s memory is restored with the completion of a lovely family home.

At every opportunity Sgt. Milkin thanks us for helping do something positive in memory of his family. He has taught us all something about walking with grace and dignity through tragedy. We would like to spread the word of this amazing story of community support. Together, we can finish what we started! Thank you!

Michele Yousef