While I am tired of all of the political backstabbing, I would like to give my observations. I agree that Sen. Patty Murray has not done a very good job supporting our area. All she does is talk about supporting the Boeing Co. workers and the military. However, I can attest that she does not support every military member. She would not talk to my brother about his problems he was having with a state agency. He could not get help after he was crushed on the job in which his insides were mashed from the front of his body to the back of the body. And now we have the insurance commissioner saying the state wants to come and take away our rights with the L&I group. But the state agency has been doing this for years and now my brother is dead because the state denied that he had ever been hurt and they were pushing him to go back to work. We went to every political representive in our area and tried to find a lawyer that would take on his case and then they pushed him onto the Veteran’s hospital to get some medical help. So none of our representatives will stand up for our rights and help. And I wrote and told Murray she did not have my vote and her office said they would research what happened. But she only wants to cover up her mistake. So do not expect her to stand up for you if you have any kind of a problem and don’t expect any help from Mike Kreidler’s office if you have any insurance problems. They are afraid they are going to loose a good income from the money they are making from us.
Gwen Wood, Kirkland