After reading your article on the looming utility rate hikes (Aug. 13), I was even more amazed when I saw the Green Power sticker on the Peter Kirk Community Center door. How many other city buildings are included? This is a program from Puget Sound Energy that Jay Inslee would adore, which allows you to pay more to ensure PC energy sources are used. Considering all the controversy surrounding the “man-made global warming” agenda, this feels like a mini carbon tax setup. I’m all for using our energy wisely, but thank you very much, I am not buying into a “pay more to save the planet” scheme. Each person can choose to be as politically correct as they have money to pay, but what right does our city government have to choose a more expensive utility plan? We are the ones who have to pay for it. I’d like someone to look into the extra costs involved. Is this part of the reason for our rate hikes?
Katy Malm, Kirkland