Oemig touts green credentials

Sen. Eric Oemig of Kirkland’s 45th District claims to be deeply concerned about the environment and has advocated for taxing companies that generate carbon emissions. Yet his publicly available financial disclosure shows a portfolio with the majority of stocks in big oil and gas – close to $1 million worth. There is over $300,000 in ExxonMobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips alone.

Most concerning is a six-figure holding in Transocean Ltd., the world’s largest offshore drilling company. Transocean owns, and operated with BP, the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform. This is the same platform that exploded and killed 11 people and created the gulf oil spill, our country’s biggest environmental disaster in history. I’m disappointed that an elected official that decries big oil and touts his green credentials looks to profit personally from the same companies he demonizes. It seems like just another example of a politician saying one thing, but doing something different.

Randal Brand, Kirkland