I was both amused and saddened by the picture of the “resident” individual taking a cigarette break while Tent City was moving; amused because apparently being impoverished means never having to run out of a 4 or 5-dollar pack of cigarettes or smoking tobacco, and saddened that both government and society continue to enable this type of self-destructive behavior.
On Feb. 5, Kari Page and Ray Steiger from the City of Kirkland met with myself, representing Kirkland Central COA as President and the President and Vice President of Plaza on State to bring us up to date about “Kirkland on the Move” and how it would impact our condominiums.
Thanks for your interview with Jason Mesnick.
Your new format for the Reporter is a great success.
I participated in a Feb. 4 article on the benefits of doula care (“Birth doula supports women through motherhood bumps”) as one way to get the extra support and education often necessary to overcome the stress of being a first-time mother.
(In response to a Jan. 21 letter, “Bush is not to blame,” by Judi Liedes). I want to set the…
A resounding yes! The idea of having a dog park in this area is a great one – I would…
(In response to a Jan. 28 letter, “Incorporation not out of question,” by Bob Style). Styles pontificates that the three…
The Kirkland Downtown Association is alive and well and excited to move forward with enhanced support from the city, a growing, energized board, renewed support for tourism, and the go ahead for some great projects downtown.
What services do you want, and if you don’t get them, what can you do about it? Incorporating is not out of the question.
I was struck by the story (“Underhill’s Fine Wood Furniture to close all stores March 31”) in the Jan. 21 issue that a 62 year old operation will be closed down because a bank is creating stricter lending rules. You do readers a disservice by not identifying which bank can ignore a 62-year operating history and put a business and employees on the street. This is exactly the type of banking action that will prolong the recession and hurt all of us. I, for one, would like to make sure none of my business adds to the profits of this particular bank.
Our snowy weather has taken a toll on our local businesses. Sales and revenue that was expected during a normal busy holiday season is well below expectations due to this year’s challenging economic times and now, this weeks snowy weather has restricted all transportation.
The Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce urges businesses, their employees and citizens who support their local neighborhood businesses to please help oppose a new head tax on Kirkland businesses during these challenging economic times.
Letters to the Editor: Sam Malkandi’s attempted deportation, candidates for the 45th Legislative District and more…
Three letters to the editor this week; One concerning the City Council’s moves to impose a moratorium (with or without the public’s approval); and two about disclosing Reporter columnist Scott St. Clair’s affiliations and/or political leanings.
The article you wrote on Doris Cooper was very nice. However, I believe you should hear the “rest of the story” from our first city manager, Al Locke.
Jared (“In support of atheism” letter in July 30 Kirkland Reporter) has more in common with theists than he realizes. Jared demonstrates admirably that even some atheists have limited powers of reasoning.
In a previous letter I went out on a limb and defended squirrels, arguing that they are cute and provide a kinetic element to gardens. I admitted that occasionally (once or twice a year in the cold of winter) I feed them. This admission caused dismay by one reader who complained to the editor. She also criticized the paper for printing a photo of a gun in the same issue.
Last week’s column by Scott St. Clair (criticizing light rail) was way wide of the mark.
A recent column entitled “Pre-school picking angst: Where to put my pro-athletes-to-be?” went against this established grain. I’m certain Mr. Greenberg meant no harm, but he certainly managed to disparage teachers with his style of humor.