The recent Holiday Tree Lighting event was delightful. Real snow for sledding, bonfires and heaters galore to keep the chill off.
Dear Kirkland residents, stop holding up traffic for the school bus.
The city of Kirkland has stated that they are not in negotiations with the developer, yet numerous emails and letters are being exchanged.
I have been reading, with interest, about the discussion on the banning of plastic bags in Kirkland and have been impressed by the research presented to support this argument.
A recent letter to the editor suggested that leaf blowers should be banned in Kirkland because they create emissions and toxic exhaust, disburse irritating substances and create noise.
This is a letter of appreciation to the Kirkland Parks Department.
When I express my support for a statewide ban on plastic bags by all retailers, combined with a 5-cent fee for paper bags, I sometimes hear: “I already carry my groceries home in reusable bags. I reuse the plastic bags, and recycle the ones I do not use.”
The use of gasoline engine leaf blowers in the city of Kirkland is on my mind. It presents a health hazard to all citizens.
Dear Citizens interested in Potala Village,
Thank you for contacting the City regarding your concerns. I am replying on behalf of all the Kirkland City Councilmembers.
Vivian Weber’s heart is in the right place when she asks us to ban plastic bags in Kirkland by adding a 5 cent fee.
I served as a volunteer on the Big Finn Hill Trails Committee set up to work with King County Parks on a trail plan for Big Finn Hill Park.
The Juanita Drive Corridor study that the city of Kirkland is conducting is a welcome step in improving that roadway. Safety is and should be a prime consideration.
I would like to thank both the Kirkland Fire Department and the Kirkland Police Department for their comforting and concerns during a recent car accident.
What’s the cost, purpose, and use of the information from the new cameras at intersections? Can the cameras be rotated and focused on different events?
Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance, in collusion with the King County’s natural lands program project manager David Kimmett,
The issue of use and “improvements” to Big Finn Hill Park (west) is one that touches me deeply.
Two hundred and ninety – the average number of plastic bags a Washington state resident uses each year.
As a 34-year resident living near downtown Kirkland, I was saddened to read of the ownership change at Kirkland Parkplace, with the sale of the Touchstone Corp. ownership interest to its partners Prudential PRISA II fund.
Superintendent Traci Pierce recently offered a rebuttal to my previously published letter criticizing the Lake Washington School District’s policy of tearing down and replacing our schools instead of modernizing them as promised.
I have noticed recent letters in the newspapers and political statements complimenting EvergreenHealth Medical Center.