The Keystone Pipeline to take crude oil from Canada to refineries on the U.S. gulf coast should be supported.
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to buy some stamps in the huge post office at 8th Avenue in Manhattan. I noted especially the inscription at the front of the impressive building:
Like it or not, we are “the state.” We elect officials to coordinate programs, like our public schools, that benefit everyone.
When the state began talking about cutting the annexation sales-tax credit, the Kirkland City Council started talking about cutting service in the new areas of Kirkland because they made promises to the citizens in the older areas.
Many of our Senate and Congressional members supported President Obama on reducing the payroll tax to help many Americans, only if the president gives his support for this most ill-conceived, untested tar sand oil Keystone XL Pipeline, and with the added audacity asked for his support within 60 days.
Banning all cell phone use while driving may not be the answer. Cell phone use is addictive and is perceived by many as safe, especially when it is done hands-free.
What Councilwoman Penny Sweet said about one neighborhood – or area – should not have more input or influence than another is true; however, she and her political allies, including her husband, do not practice what they preach.
I think it is important that I weigh in on the Houghton Community Council discussion. To be clear, I did know that there was going to be a bill forthcoming.
(Kirkland Fire Chief Kevin Nalder sent this email to the Finn Hill Neighborhood Alliance on Jan. 17, in response to the group’s concerns about the closure of Fire Station 24).
(The Finn Hill Neighborhood Alliance sent this letter to Kirkland Fire Chief Kevin Nalder on Jan. 13).
I would like to ask the Reporter why they provide regular column space to Jeff Jared? I understand that a newspaper should allow for the expression of a wide variety of views, even fringe views like those regularly expressed by Jared.
Like many Kirkland residents, I was looking forward to taking my dogs to the new off-leash park in Kirkland.
Your writer, Matt Phelps, wonders why people are so disdainful of the tolls on SR 520 (Jan. 13 editorial).
It’s certainly true of State Rep. Larry Springer and Kirkland’s Mayor Joan McBride. They have not only cost us a lot of money, they have reduced our quality of life.
My heart goes out to Mr. Lacey’s family. I was driving home on that beautiful sunny day and passed the horrible accident after the fact. I thought to myself, how can an accident so serious happen on such a beautiful day?
In my travels in the course of business I meet with many folks who are bedeviled almost to distraction by the importunities of telemarketing, spam and junkmail showing up in their telephones, email inboxes and U.S. mailboxes.
When I read about the plans by the Kirkland City Council to purchase the Eastside Rail Corridor for use as a bicycle/walking path, I had two thoughts.
Evidently you haven’t followed what’s happening in Kirkland. Even with the state’s 10-year reimbursement of a percentage of sales taxes, the city’s indebtedness will be $40 million greater than it would have been without annexation. Add to that the $30 million plus for buildings and millions more for roads, bridges, surface water management and parks being brought up to city standards, you have a huge financial burden on the taxpayers brought on by the legislators failure to act responsibly.
We are very pleased and excited about the newly purchased railroad line segment. We were long-time bicyclists, but no longer have any easy access to a safe local bicycle trail. We are also both avid walkers and a new walking trail would be just terrific.
Please count us in for support for a walking/biking path. As for a rail commuter corridor, the surrounding communities will have to come up with a master plan. In the meantime, a walking/biking path would benefit all of us.
I wanted to extend comments of appreciation to the Kirkland City Council regarding the wonderful purchase of the rail corridor.