I know of no one as honest in politics or as well versed in issues than Toby Nixon.
Jessica Greenway “gets” public transportation. She gets that for countless working families, it is the only affordable way to go to and from work.
For the record, I’m a chronologically endowed, newly-confirmed Kirkland citizen.
Jessica is what the Kirkland City Council greatly needs, without her your needs as a citizen of Kirkland are not guaranteed to be heard.
In the recent article, it was mentioned that “.. the developer of Potala Village, Dargey Enterprises, is as good as they come.”
We need to make sure that Jessica Greenway remains as a Kirkland City Council member, one who clearly represents ALL of us.
Toby Nixon is positive, intelligent, and open-minded.
I find it quite interesting that Toby Nixon is now complaining in a recent letter to the Kirkland Reporter to Councilwoman Jessica Greenway that taxes are too high in Kirkland.
As a resident of the newly annexed area to Kirkland, I find the letter from M. Donald and Merrily Dicks interesting.
Bob Sternoff’s supporters have done a great job extolling the virtues of Sternoff, everything from kissing babies to picking up litter.
One way to clean up the financial quagmire that is so rampant at all levels of our government today is to replace habitual office holders.
The qualities I like best about Jessica Greenway are her honesty and integrity. Jessica has common sense and lots of energy to get things done.
I support Toby Nixon for Kirkland City Council. I’ve known Toby for a few years and I know this about Toby:
I met Jessica at a city council meeting when I spoke about an issue. She walked over afterward to introduce herself and talk about why she was voting the way she did.
I have personally met with both candidates for Kirkland City Council, Position 2, and discussed their background and qualifications for this office.
I’ve been an active participant in Kirkland City affairs for most of the 11 years that I have lived here.
Why vote for Toby Nixon? Will he be good for Kirkland? So far, he’s been a financial disaster.
Being a native of Kirkland, I love the changes that have occurred there and find it charming and livable.
I feel the council needs change, and Jason Gardiner offers a good start on that path.
I think that a voter learns much more about the character of a political candidate when that candidate is not actively campaigning for one office or another.