In his reply to my recent letter to the Reporter, Lake Washington School District Superintendent Dr. Chip Kimball agreed that money is already available to provide housing for increasing enrollment.
Why is it that Washington State still has so many flaws in the voter registration rolls? Why have elected Democrats…
In response to Jeff Jared’s recent column on 520 tolling. Mr. Jared, are there any taxes that we should pay? Are there any benefits from paying the gas tax other than replacing the 520 floating bridge?
The Reporter’s recent editorial about affordable housing only covered the good features of having a TOD (Transit Oriented Development) at…
Paul Hall recently wrote a letter to the editor, responding to my rebuttal of Matt Gregory’s opinion of the upcoming…
At the last Kirkland City Council meeting, the council violated the trust of neighborhoods, neighborhoods that trusted the council to protect their interest as they did for almost all neighborhoods, especially Norkirk and Highlands regarding traffic. That all went out the window.
I am a product of the Seattle School District graduating in 1980. I have always had a strong opinion on the need for reform in our national school system. Why are we basing how the school year and system is set up based upon how we have always done it? It was set up when kids were needed to work on the farm in the summer so they needed three months off.
I saw two coyotes in Kirkland recently at 12406 68th Ave. N.E.. I sighted what looked to be a large…
My husband and I have been dealing with another issue that is indicative of the LWSD turning it’s back on…
Dr. Kimball’s response in last Friday’s Reporter to Matt Gregory’s letter regarding continued delays in fixing the serious problems at…
I am recruiting volunteers for the Decorate Downtown event with the Kirkland Downtown Association from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m….
Sitting here listening to the final electioneering dribs and drabbles, I can only feel gratitude that it soon will be…
Last week Matt Gregory wrote a letter to the editor regarding Lake Washington School District plans to place a capital…
If you have followed the proposed LWSD Levy election for next February, the three Kirkland directors (in the city and…
I just visited my favorite nursery/gift center and had to check my calendar to verify the date and make sure…
Last week, Matt Phelps shared well-thought-out ideas for improving what he has found to be a clearly failing educational system….
How refreshing to hear a new idea on improving our public education system (Matt Phelps, Oct. 29)! I like his…
The National Enquirer has published a story about the effort to rebuild the Milkin home and how the community and…