Because one such individual is currently a candidate for office, I’d like to bring him to the attention of the voters of Kirkland. His name is Richard B. Sanders and he is currently a candidate running for re-election.
Combined with the Kirkland Classic Car Show, the Kirkland Uncorked event drew thousands of people to the downtown area on a beautiful sunny weekend. I’m sure this was a great boost for the city and local businesses. Sadly, however, Uncorked did not achieve its promoted “Wine, Dine, Design” build-up.
Recently, I was astounded to hear that Washington has been backsliding on a rule that prevents pharmacists from refusing to dispense FDA-approved medication on the basis of their personal beliefs. Every individual who goes into a pharmacy should be able to have her or his prescription filled in a timely manner.
As I was working in my backyard rose bed the other day in north Kirkland where I use banana peels as an organic fertilizer – no kidding – and tobacco tea as an anti-aphid spray, the thought occurred to me:
I spent the Fourth of July enjoying my last chance to launch fireworks in my cul-de-sac with my kids and had to explain to them why mean old Kirkland was taking away our fun. That got me to thinking about all the freedoms that we have lost this year.
Many downtown businesses were recently notified by the City of Kirkland of new quarterly reporting requirements for employee vehicle registrations as part of the city’s Park Smart Program.
A few months ago I answered the door and ended up paying over $100 in cash to a magazine salesman who was “trying to get his life back on track.” I realize this was a big mistake on my part, I don’t think I even got a receipt or if I did I threw it away, trusting I would get those magazines.
My wife and I volunteer for the City of Kirkland and maintain the yellow pedestrian flags (ped flags) around downtown Kirkland. I’ll cut to the chase here; there are a lot of yellow ped flags disappearing each week.
I am compelled to write the Kirkland Reporter after reading the story about the dog shot in the Kirkland family’s backyard (June 30 issue). I feel badly for the poor animal that has suffered an injury from the BB puncture. I abhor the mistreatment of animals. At the same time, I feel anger at the irresponsible homeowners who are suppose to provide care and support for the animal.
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Kirkland, I would like to thank all of those who made our fundraiser, the 2010 Duck Dash, a success.
Restaurants in Kirkland are struggling as of late. Many people rely on restaurants for a good meal.
All the Lake View meetings and more than likely subsequent neighborhood advisory meetings are unnecessary.
Most of us have encountered many people collecting signatures for initiatives recently in our community. While it is not certain…
I must disagree with both Einstein and Bob Style. In my opinion, “…doing the same thing over and over again…
Whatever one may think of European ideas, one must admit that their cities offer a much friendlier human urban environment…
Sunday, June 27, was National HIV testing day. Some Americans believe that HIV is something that they do not need…
I was driving by a Kirkland Safeway and noticed a huge yellow banner announcing a “Farmer’s Market” over the weekend. As the manager of the Redmond Saturday Market (the Eastside’s oldest Farmers Market), I stopped in to talk to the manager of that store. Naturally, since I know many of the farmers, I wanted to know what farms would be represented. To my disappointment, the manager told me they were setting up tents in the parking lot this weekend and regular Safeway employees would be selling regular Safeway produce “farmer-market style.”
If many in the community were dissatisfied with how much former City Manager Dave Ramsay was paid (at $152,000) and…