What’s not to like about Referendum 52?
Referendum 52 is on our ballot this November. Its plan is to dedicate $500 million in funds over the next several years for upgrades to Washington schools. There is a back-log of building maintenance in cash-strapped school districts all over the state. Referendum 52 would tackle this by cleaning up building toxin’s such as lead, asbestos, mold and poor air quality, …things we all know are very harmful to our children.
R-52 would also tighten up schools overall operating costs by implementing energy upgrades in heating, lighting, and water use — saving energy, creating savings for the schools, as well as reducing carbon emissions.
It isn’t just schools and kids that will benefit. At least 30,000 construction jobs would be created by R-52 in order to make these improvements, statewide.
Plus, R-52 does not increase taxes. Only projects where savings meet or exceed costs would be eligible to receive money, so the projects will pay for themselves. R-52 will actually save Washington taxpayers an estimated $130 million per year by reducing energy costs, and extending the life of existing school buildings.
The U.S. Senate failed to tackle climate change legislation this past summer … we can make our own progress on this matter with bills such as R-52.
With R-52 students can be healthier, safer, and proud that their schools are part of a clean, responsible, energy future.
Nora Weaver, Bellingham