Support Sen. Andy Hill | Letter

It is a pity Matt Isenhower does not run for Rep. Larry Springers or Rep. Roger Goodmans seat. Then we would have two fiscally focused, pro student funding advocates, as opposed to those that want to increase taxes for the very expensive bloated bureaucracy that characterizes the Lake Washington School District.

It is a pity Matt Isenhower does not run for Rep. Larry Springers or Rep. Roger Goodmans seat. Then we would have two fiscally focused, pro student funding advocates, as opposed to those that want to increase taxes for the very expensive bloated bureaucracy that characterizes the Lake Washington School District.

Sen. Andy Hill worked to get a $1 billion budget with strong support for education, and a balanced budget and no tax increases.

Considering the consensus that Hill made with his democratic collegues, for a 89 percent vote to pass the budget. A budget that Hill worked so hard to move forward, great support for essential school services and without tax increases.

If Mr. Isenhower wishes to help the schools he could work to trim the excessive bureaucracy, the wasteful and very expensive program of tearing down good solid buildings for over priced replacements and focus the money on education and a solid future for the students.

Oh but wait, Mr. Isenhower is thrilled to be selected by the WEA as their candidate.

So the WEA’s power grabs at the expense of the Teachers and Children happens again.

A few facts to back my assertions up from Josh Amato at Shift WA.

The WEA exerted its considerable influence over Democrat lawmakers in Olympia to withhold $40 million per year in federal education funding for needy children because it didn’t want to take a teachers test seriously.

The WEA persuaded Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe, ranking member of the Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee, to vote against her own bill that would keep $40 million in federal funds for Washington state schools by making a simple adjustment to state law. Once again, all because the WEA didn’t want to take a simple test seriously.

The WEA refuses to drop its lawsuit against charter schools despite the fact those charter schools exist to provide a stable educational environment to homeless children and at-risk youth.

Andy Hill is good for the budget, children and teachers. No, we do not need another shill for the WEA, just say no to Mr. Isenhower.

Steven Swedenburg, Kirkland