Do any Reporter readers attend the 4th of July fireworks? Attend the parade? Come to downtown Kirkland for the winter tree lighting? For many years my wife and I have been volunteering for community projects in downtown Kirkland. In the spring we help out at the “Clean Sweep” that pulls weeds and picks up trash in the downtown core. During the rain and bluster at this time of year there is the drive to put lights and seasonal decorations around Kirkland. Of course, we’re always helping during the July 4th period with volunteer duties surrounding the parade and the fireworks.
At each of these events we encounter Penny Sweet. She’s organizing volunteers, or talking local businesses into donating services or equipment. She also gets her hands dirty when it comes to grubbing out weeds or stringing the lights. Ms. Sweet is not just behind the scene; she’s in the street, rain or shine. I’ve never seen her current election opponent (Brad Larssen) involved in any of these hands-on projects. Mr. Larsson, come on down and earn your right to claim Kirkland as a priority!
Jim Hitter, Kirkland