Donald J. Trump – if elected President of the United States – will never be satisfied with the title of President. I believe that he would want to be known as The Dictator, The King, The Czar, The Emperor and probably several other titles. I believe that he believes he would be the Greatest President To Have Ever Lived or ever will live; in other words he wants to be called “G-O-D”.
I hope and pray that any person like Donald J. Trump [would] never believe that they could buy the Presidency. Mr. Trump already stated that he would spend a “billion” dollars on this campaign.
I believe that this country is still the greatest country in the world and that the best person usually wins the election for the presidency on the issues and not the size of their bank account.
As we all remember, Mr. Trump stated by saying that Barack Obama was not an American citizen because he was born in another country. Both statements were false – he was born in Hawaii and his mother was an American citizen, which automatically makes Mr. Obama an American citizen. Mr. Trump should apologize. Don’t forget that Mitt Romney’s father was born in Mexico, but his parents were both American citizens which made him automatically an American citizen and made it possible for Mitt’s father to run for President.
Now, Mr. Trump stated that Senator John McCain wasn’t a war hero, even though he was captured and tortured for five years by the enemy and survived. Mr. Trump, again, should be ashamed and should apologize.
Mr. Trump now states we want to build a wall across the Mexican border with the United States and make the Mexican government pay for the construction. What makes Mr. Trump believe that the Mexican Government would ever consider paying for his wall? Just because Mr. Trump said so? What a laugh. What is Mr. Trump trying to do, build another Berlin Wall?
As far back as I can remember, the Republican Party always wanted to cut the Federal Government’s spending. So Mr. Trump will pay for the border guards and the manpower to gather or round up all 11 million illegal aliens.
Is it true that now Mr. Trump is trying to re-write the 14th Amendment to the Constitution? It seems to me that he will change any law that doesn’t fit his fancy.
Mr. Trump, to me, sounds like a person who says whatever and, as often-as-not, hopes that something will stick.
There are people that do not care what he says or if it is legal or if it makes any sense. They just like him because he talks louder and more often. They say they will wait until he becomes president to present the American people his solutions.
Mr. Trump says he will bring back jobs that were sent to other countries because of cheaper labor cost. Mr. Trump should remember that the jobs sent out of this country were sent by Mr. Trump’s friends and cronies. If he would just stop talking so much and so often, he would see and hear that our country has improved under President Obama’s administration. More and more jobs are being created every month and more and more companies are returning to the United States – without Mr. Trump’s help.
As President Roosevelt stated, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
Mel Aznoff, Kirkland