There goes the Kirkland neighborhood | LETTER

It’s certainly true of State Rep. Larry Springer and Kirkland’s Mayor Joan McBride. They have not only cost us a lot of money, they have reduced our quality of life.

We’re learning the hard way not to trust politicians.

It’s certainly true of State Rep. Larry Springer and Kirkland’s Mayor Joan McBride. They have not only cost us a lot of money, they have reduced our quality of life.

When discussing budgets, traffic congestion, annexation, or controlling growth, they brokered deals without keeping the public informed as to what was going on.

The council has always valued neighborhoods. Why not now?

To suggest elimination of the Houghton Community Council personifies why we should not trust them.

When Mr. Springer and Ms. McBride were elected, it exemplified the meaning of, “There goes the neighborhood.”

Bob Style, Kirkland