Volunteers needed to decorate downtown

I am recruiting volunteers for the Decorate Downtown event with the Kirkland Downtown Association from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20. If you are interested in helping us hang garland and lights on the participating downtown storefronts, please contact me at: msailor@comcast.net. The merchants appreciate the help as many don’t have enough staff to decorate and assist customers. This is a great partnership with the merchants as they pay for the garland and string lights and we supply the labor to hang it. All neighborhood groups or anyone else getting credit from work or needing service hours, please let me know. Neighborhood associations get credit for volunteer hours, which helps us when we apply for our yearly grant from the city.

If you didn’t participate last year, you missed a lot of fun. We worked hard, but it was so satisfying to see the results. We have breakfast sandwiches and coffee donated by George’s Place and lunch will be provided from one of the restaurants when we are finished. This is the perfect way to get in the spirit of the holidays and to show thanks for living in such a wonderful city!

Michelle Sailor, Market neighborhood chair