The three people that wrote the con Kirkland annexation statement for the ballot were selected by the City of Kirkland. I, as one of those, didn’t know the other two people prior to that date. I met Scott Brady that night and Robert Style a week later. I don’t own a business, but I still put two days of my life into walking to many businesses in the PAA, so that they would understand that in this economic downturn, they may be facing a new business tax, a tax on each of their employees and increased utility taxes. I consider these businesses, which support our PAA community with jobs and services.
I feel uncomfortable being in the public eye, yet I got up at city council meetings hoping to highlight some of the concerns within the PAA. I’d hoped that the council would take action to clarify and resolve some of these. I wanted not to worry about emergency response times, for example. I don’t have a large bank roll to finance communicating to my fellow PAA citizens. At my job I’m being asked to furlough hours as the work load permits – my income is down like many of yours. Yet, I was able to pick up a red pen and hand write NO on signs to try and allow people to know what I’ve learned.
I’ve been called a liar and a whiner attempting to warn the PAA residents. Yet, I still have my voice. Sons and daughters of the PAA don’t let the chains of debt that were not of your making take away your freedom to make other choices in the future. I am thankful we still live where the freedom of speech and the press allow a single voice to be heard. Yours can be heard too. Vote. Don’t regret missing the one chance you have to say NO Kirkland.
Katherine Winder, Kirkland