We have to save for big purchases and plan, why doesn’t the city? | Letter

All through our lives, we have planned, saved and made big ticket purchases prudently, understanding our debt burden, payment terms and end date.

All through our lives, we have planned, saved and made big ticket purchases prudently, understanding our debt burden, payment terms and end date.

The proponents of Prop. 1 to fund an ARC (Aquatics, Recreation and Community center) with all its bells and whistles are asking us to do what everyone tells you not to do: Don’t give anyone carte blanche to your money.

Don’t trust people who say “trust me/us.” And don’t hand over your money without knowing what you’re getting in return.

There is no location for an ARC, no price tag, no termination date to the creation of an MPD (Metropolitan Park District) and no tax payer control.

Vote no to Prop. 1.

Bob and Vera Fahl, Kirkland