Building a home herbal medicine chest | Herban Wellness

One of the strong points of herbal medicine is the ability of herbs to safely and effectively help with common issues that arise in the home, such as occasional headaches, indigestion, diarrhea, heartburn, heat or sunburns, skin irritation, bug bites/bee stings, cold and flu symptoms.

One of the strong points of herbal medicine is the ability of herbs to safely and effectively help with common issues that arise in the home, such as occasional headaches, indigestion, diarrhea, heartburn, heat or sunburns, skin irritation, bug bites/bee stings, cold and flu symptoms.

A few choice ingredients and products can work for multiple symptoms that are mild enough to not warrant a trip to the doctor, and in appropriate doses are safe and effective for children as well.

First, let’s address indigestion, which includes gas or bloating, an over-full feeling after eating, mild nausea, heartburn and diarrhea. Herbs are some of the most effective, safe remedies for these common problems.

The first thing I would recommend to have on hand is an herbal tea with fennel, chamomile, meadowsweet, and perhaps mint (avoid in the case of heartburn) or ginger. These herbs can relax the digestive tract, ease gas and bloating, decrease nausea, lower stomach acid, promote digestion, and generally soothe all types of stomach upset.

An alternative to tea is to have an herbal capsule combination or a tincture (liquid extract) that you can drop in a little water and drink as needed. Other herbs I would suggest you keep on hand are marshmallow root and/or slippery elm bark. I prefer them in powder form, because when mixed into water, apple juice, or yogurt, these herbs can be swallowed to soothe and coat the esophagus and stomach, easing heartburn symptoms and nausea, and lessen diarrhea by absorbing water in the intestines and promoting healthy intestinal bacteria.

Next, let’s talk about the skin. An all-purpose, herbal salve can do wonders for soothing all types of skin issues. I recommend finding an herbal salve that contains such herbs as calendula and comfrey (which are infused into an oil base and thickened with beeswax) and essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and/or tea tree. This salve can be used on cuts and scrapes to lessen inflammation, inhibit bacteria, and promote tissue regeneration.

Spot this salve on bee stings and bug bites to ease itching, swelling, and overall discomfort. Apply to a heat burn or sun burn, a rash, or eczema for instant relief.

Another advantage to having an herbal salve with lavender and/or peppermint in it? Rub on the temples and back of the neck for relief from tension or other occasional headaches. Lavender and peppermint oil can relax muscles around the neck and head, as well as the muscles around veins and arteries that are in spasm, and reduce inflammation.

A nice, deep inhale of these oils can provide instant relief as well. Other antispasmodic (muscle relaxing) herbs with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties such as meadowsweet, willow bark, and feverfew can be taken to relieve headaches as well.

Finally, what can you have on hand to help ward off colds and flu? A tincture, capsule, or tea that contains immune-stimulating herbs such as goldenseal, olive leaf, elder berry, and/or Echinacea should be taken at the first sign of a sore throat or other bothersome symptom, and taken every two to three hours until symptoms subside.

Essential oil of eucalyptus, oregano, spruce, or other lung and sinus-opening oils can be inhaled directly from the bottle, inhaled in a steam bath, a couple of drops mixed into bath water, or rubbed on the chest in a salve or oil base for relief of congestion, coughs, and trouble breathing during a cold or for allergy relief.

You can use slippery elm or marshmallow root powder for intestinal flu symptoms, and this is safe for kids too. Mix with cinnamon to improve flavor. Warming, diaphoretic tea herbs such as ginger root, meadowsweet, elder flowers, and yarrow are helpful to drink to help break a fever and promote sweating.

Perhaps choose a few herbal combinations you can have on hand for situations as they arise, and then learn how to use them appropriately so you can feel confident reaching for and using them for yourself and your family.

Katya Difani is an herbalist trained at Bastyr University and the founder of Herban Wellness, an herb and nutrition shop in downtown Kirkland. Herban Wellness specializes in herbal and nutritional products, information & classes, and unique, custom-blended herbal teas and liquid extracts. Visit to learn more.