Knitters have been creating quite a bit of buzz lately, getting involved with the women’s marches throughout the country through the Pussyhat Project. While many locals participated in the hat project and the marches, one Kirkland resident is donating her time and knitted hats to another worthy cause.
In just one and a half years, Molly Michener has donated 150 hats to be delivered to Syrian refugees. She read about the Seattle-based Salaam Cultural Museum (SCM) Medical Missions and immediately knew she had to be involved with the effort to provide humanitarian aid to people affected by conflict.
“It struck my mind that it was something I could do to make a difference,” Michener said.
The medical missions are, of course, about more than donating hats. The organization also accepts monetary donations to help with the medical and humanitarian efforts, and they also compile baby boxes filled with essential items such as diapers, blankets, clothes, booties and knitted hats.
“If I can make hats, I at least can make their heads warm,” Michener said.
For more information about the SCM Medical Missions, visit