The newest addition to Kirkland’s long list of hidden treasures is the Kirkland Photo Club.
Although having gained recent momentum, the Photo Club is far from new itself. Originating in 2001, its very first members were patrons of the Triple J Café, who met informally over coffee to discuss their shared passion of photography. Many things have changed between then and now, including regular meetings at the Houghton Fire Station and a swelling of ranks to include more than two dozen members.
Despite this, however, the club works hard to maintain a casual atmosphere.
“We don’t have a board of directors, and we’re not very competitive,” says club president Paul DiBiase. “Things are a lot more interesting when you keep them informal.”
DiBiase himself has a passion for photography that stretches all the way back to childhood.
“I received a camera for Christmas when I was 10 or 11, and found myself loving to take pictures,” he recalls. “I was off and running!” Now, after years spent hiking and backpacking, he’s found his calling in travel photography.
Choice in subject matter varies widely among Photo Club members. The photographers are encouraged to bring in whatever photos interest them, whether to initiate a discussion or generate constructive criticism.
There is some structure, however. Each month, the group chooses a theme, and while members are not required to participate, a photograph fitting the appropriate subject is selected as winner. The theme for April is “new.”
“Whatever ‘new’ means to you, whether that’s flowers blooming or something else,” says DiBiase. “As a photographer, you get to shoot whatever you want in that area.”
Reiterating the club’s informal atmosphere, he adds, “But anything you want to share you can bring. People can really do their best photographic work when they’re photographing what they like.”
The topic of conversation at meetings can range from photographic techniques – “a couple of months ago one of our members gave a presentation on adjusting your camera’s white balance” – to equipment – “all photographers love talking about their equipment!”
Members also discuss photography classes being offered in the area and, on occasion, take field trips to photograph interesting subject matter. Past outings have been made to scenic locations like the Bellevue Botanical Gardens, Seattle waterfront, and even Palouse Falls State Park in eastern Washington.
Interested? To join, email or come to meetings at the Houghton Fire Station at 7 p.m. the first Monday of every month.
Kirkland Reporter intern Eleanor Mueller can be reached at Eleanor is a senior at Lake Washington High School.