Outdoor sculpture gallery adds to Park Lane ambiance in downtown Kirkland

Just months after Park Lane’s makeover, a new outdoor sculpture gallery adds to the street’s excitement. Steel, bronze, and glass art pieces by Washington artists line both sides of the street, complimenting new furnishing, landscaping and paving and extending from Lake Street to just east of Main Street.

Just months after Park Lane’s makeover, a new outdoor sculpture gallery adds to the street’s excitement. Steel, bronze, and glass art pieces by Washington artists line both sides of the street, complimenting new furnishing, landscaping and paving and extending from Lake Street to just east of Main Street. The city’s Cultural Arts Commission felt that a changing exhibit would add to the excitement of Kirkland’s signature street and gathering place.

Park Lane Sculpture Entering Park Lane from the west, “Sprout,” (View photo, right) a seven-foot, three-dimensional shaped sculpture by Artist Bill Wentworth greets visitors. Heading east on Park Lane, “Kelp Totem III: Orca,” a kiln-carved art glass framed by welded metal by Artist Lin McJunkin, and “Hero,” a stainless and painted steel abstract sculpture by Don Anderson are on display at the mid-section of the shopping corridor. And located on the north side of Park Lane at the intersection with Main Street, is “Daphnis,” an abstract stainless steel sculpture, also by Don Anderson. Just beyond the intersection, “Honey + ?,” a honeycombed cell-shaped art piece of welded steel and kiln-carved glass, by Artists Milo White and Lin McJunkin, is placed. Full descriptions of the sculptures can be found at ExploreKirkland.com/arts.

The Kirkland Cultural Arts Commission is charged with managing and curating the city’s public art collection, including a 1 percent for art program for large city projects. The program helped fund the installation of the pedestals. All sculptures are displayed on a rotating basis and for sale to the public. Sales inquiries should be directed to Philly Hoshko at 425-587-3013 or phoshko@kirklandwa.gov.