
The Exodus Effect Reviews – Cheap Book or Legit Guide?

The Exodus Effect guides you on how to prepare to anoint oil as taught in the bible. Holy anointing oil was first prepared by God himself, as seen in Exodus 30:22. The bible has listed all the ingredients you will need to prepare the anointed oil, which is said to be beneficial to us humans. Some of its health benefits include relieving pain and strengthening your body against chronic ailments. Apart from the health benefits, the Exodus effect will also give you the spiritual well-being every Christian desire in their home.

What is the Exodus Effect?

The Exodus Effect is a recipe book containing secrets lifted from the Bible that guide you on preparing holy anointing oil. The book will help you get all the spiritual teachings while at home. It contains a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to mix and prepare the ingredients to create original anointing oil. The anointing oil is said to be what made the Israelites remain healthy when they were lost in the wilderness.

The anointing oil prepared from the bible contains no Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), the chemical that induces highs. According to the official website, the Exodus effect guide will see you making the Exodus anointing oil that will guide you spiritually and help your body defend itself against common illnesses. The oil is also used in different Christian events and anointing of church priests.

Dr. Benet and Pastor Andrew developed the Exodus effect guidebook. According to the two, the oil contained a special ingredient that was lost during Bible translation. Therefore, preparing the anointing all from the modern Bible’s ingredients will not give you the original anointing oil. However, the missing ingredient is listed in the Exodus effect guide book, making it easy for you to make the oil at the comfort of your home.

How does the Exodus Effect Anointing Oil Work?

Many Christians may not believe what the creators, Pastor Andrew and Dr. Benet, discovered. Their research has, however, been tested and proved to be correct. The creators indicated how the elimination of one primary ingredient had misled modern-day Christians. The creators of the Exodus Effect guidebook have clearly stated the number of times the Bible has mentioned Cannabis. The book, therefore, has all the evidence to revise the Bible and the creation of the anointing oil.

Unlike THC, the Exodus effect anointing oil, does not attach its users to the endocannabinoid system. Cannabidiol stops the process by giving the body the freedom for more endocannabinoids. As a result, the Exodus Effect oil is directly absorbed by the body. It then targets the areas where there is pain and other illnesses immediately. It also contains antioxidants that stimulate the body to produce more healthy cells and heal chronic illnesses such as arthritis and diabetes. The cannabidiol also helps in stimulating receptors keeping your mind active and alert all day. Therefore, the Exodus effect guide is a key to a collected life full of peace and joy.

Exodus Effect Recipes

The Exodus effect guide book contains recipes that will help you prepare the anointing oil at home. All the ingredients are 100% natural and organic and readily available. To take the oil, you can combine it with coffee, tea, or food. You can also use the oil to anoint your body parts or home.

One ingredient was, however, lost during Bible translation. The good news is that the authors of the Exodus effect book were able to trace it, and it’s included in the guidebook. The modern Bible translates the word ‘Kaneh-bosem’ to mean Calamus, which contains no actual benefits. The term ‘Kaneh-Bosem’ has been mentioned several times in the bible, and its true meaning is Cannabis. Here are the ingredients

Cinnamon– Cinnamon is used in different dishes due to its pleasing aroma. It is also used as a herb to prepare some traditional medicines. The bark of a cinnamon plant is also said to aid in digestion. It is 100% natural and contains antioxidants that help in avoiding cell damage. It also detoxifies the body and removes harmful chemicals and toxins.

Olive Oil– You will find olive oil in almost all kitchens since it’s a cooking essential. However, it contains various health benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, inflammation and helps control cholesterol. This is because it contains potent oxidants. Research has also proved that olive oil helps prevent chances of stroke and heart disease through blood oxidation. Some of its other benefits include weight loss and minimizing the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

Cassia– Despite it being low in flavor, it contains several health benefits. They include blood pressure reduction and regulation of blood sugar levels. It also aids in weight loss, strengthening muscles and immunity, and enhancing blood circulation. Cassia is also said to lower body cholesterol.

Myrrh– Christians commonly know myrrh across the world due to the birth of Jesus Christ. Some of its health benefits include curing indigestion, arthritis, cancer, leprosy, ulcers, asthma, and syphilis. It also contains antioxidants that help in strengthening the body’s immune.

Cannabidiol– This is the main ingredient of the exodus anointing oil. It is found in the cannabis plant and contains low THC levels. It has different health benefits such as relieving pain, curing arthritis, and acts as an inflammatory. It is also a cure for depression, stress, and anxiety. Cannabidiol is also said to reduce vomiting and nausea experienced after chemotherapy.

Exodus Effect Bonuses

Apart from the health benefits, the Exodus effect guidebook contains other bonuses offered once you make a purchase. The bonuses include:

Special report #1-Divine pet

This assists you in bringing down the anointing oil power to your pet.

Special report #2-Lazurus effect

The bonus guides you on how you can prolong your life by 15-20 years. As it aims to show you how to remain young by combating aging.

Special report #3-Hidden Prayers

The bonus contains 33 scriptures that the authors for you. The scriptures contain prayers that act as complements to the anointing oil.

Advantages of Exodus Effect Guidebook

People who have used the guidebook have agreed that it helped them both physically and mentally healthy. Here are some advantages of the guidebook

  • Improves your sleeping and resting
  • Improves your brainpower and functionality
  • Stops cancer cells from spreading
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Prevents chronic diseases
  • Accords you divine blessings
  • It is safe and 100% natural
  • Has a money-back policy

Disadvantages of using the Exodus Effect Guidebook

There are no significant disadvantages of using the exodus effect guidebook. However, there are few side effects due to the presence of cannabinoids. They include

  • Vomiting
  • Inappropriate for pregnant women
  • Dizziness
  • Mood swings
  • The government has not approved it for treating anxiety and depression
  • Diarrhea

How much is the Exodus Effect Guidebook?

The Exodus effect guidebook is only available on its official website. A copy goes for $67. After payment, you can access the guidebook and its bonuses immediately. You are also able to get updates and free downloads.

How long for results with the Exodus Guidebook?

To start seeing the results, a customer should wait for a minimum of 5 days. However, different people have different results depending on their medical history and ailments. To reap all the benefits, you should follow the guidebook for the longest time possible.

The Exodus Effect guidebook contains different health and spiritual benefits. According to the official website it allows users to experience the powers of original anointing oil in the comfort of their home. The oil will help you cure different diseases as well as get peace and tranquility.

To learn more about the Exodus Guidebook visit the official program website for additional information.


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