City of Kirkland reminds citizens about emergency preparedness | Public service announcement

The Kirkland Fire Department/Office of Emergency Management reminds Kirkland citizens about the importance of preparing for all types of emergencies and disasters. Kirkland, just as any community, is susceptible to disasters.

The following is a public service announcement form the city of Kirkland:

The Kirkland Fire Department/Office of Emergency Management reminds Kirkland citizens about the importance of preparing for all types of emergencies and disasters. Kirkland, just as any community, is susceptible to disasters. Your survivability following a fire, earthquake or severe weather event will be enhanced if you have prepared yourself, your family members (including pets), and your business (including employees). For details on how to prepare, visit

What you can do to prepare yourself, your family and your business:

Make and practice an emergency and communications plan with your family members and your employees. Plan for people, pets and property at home and at your workplace. Know your school’s emergency response plans. Create an out-of-area contact as someone you and others can reach following an incident. Evaluate your current renters or homeowner’s insurance including earthquake, landslide and flood insurance coverage. Assemble an emergency supplies kit for your home, car and work place. By participating in disaster preparedness activities, you will learn more ways to be prepared before the next emergency or disaster happens.

As part of your preparedness, you should consider how to secure furnishings in your home and office and learn how to properly shut off utilities.

What you should include in your emergency supplies kit:

You can assemble an emergency supply kit or purchase a pre-assembled one. You can customize the kit you store at home, have in your car, and at your office. Supplies should include water and food as well as items for shelter and warmth, first aid, communication, personal hygiene and sanitation. For easy-to-follow checklists, go to or

What you can do to get involved in disaster preparedness:

Kirkland residents are encouraged to participate in the Map Your Neighborhood program, attend Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training and join a volunteer group such as the Kirkland Citizens Corps or Amateur Radio Emergency Services.

For more information on how to prepare for a disaster or to request a public presentation, contact Dr. Pattijean Hooper, Emergency Manager, Kirkland Fire Department, at 425-587-3650 or