During early 2013, the city of Kirkland initiated a comprehensive public involvement campaign – “Kirkland 2035. Your Voice. Your Vision. Your Future.” – to engage community members in the future planning of Kirkland. The goal of the communications program is to offer a variety of methods to inform, engage, consult and collaborate with residents, businesses, community organizations and other stakeholders. Those who have participated in the Kirkland 2035 campaign are asked to take a brief survey by Sept. 30 regarding the effectiveness of the city’s communications at https://www.research.net/s/K2035Survey. Survey results will help to improve future city communications endeavors and will be shared with the City Council.
The Kirkland 2035 campaign includes the update to the city’s Comprehensive Plan and several long-range plans that establish goals and policies and identify potential future transportation, parks, and water quality projects. Since the initiation of the campaign, the City Council has adopted the Cross Kirkland Corridor Master Plan, Juanita Drive Corridor Study, Urban Forestry Management Plan, Totem Lake Park Master Plan, and the Transfer of Development Rights Study. The city has hosted several public involvement events, developed printed materials, created educational videos, and maintained a comprehensive website.
For more information visit www.kirklandwa.gov/kirkland2035.