Due to the discovery of high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in Lake Washington at Juanita Beach Park in Kirkland, humans and animals should not go in the water. Advisory signs warning about contaminated water have been posted at the beach, which is located at 9703 NE Juanita Drive.
The City of Kirkland will be conducting follow-up testing as early as Monday, July 30, to determine the source and levels of the bacteria. The beach will be closed until at least Wednesday, August 1, as testing is done to determine the source of the bacteria. The beach at Juanita Beach Park will reopen when levels of the bacteria are back in a safe range.
Fecal coliform bacteria is an indicator of sewage pollution and is monitored weekly by the Seattle-King County Public Health Department. Most bacteria present are typically assumed to be of non-human origin. Many animals such as dogs and waterfowl can contribute to this form of bacteria in the water.
For more information, visit the King County website and search for “fecal coliform bacteria.”
Updates about Juanita Beach Park and other Kirkland waterfront parks will be posted to the City’s News Room webpage. To receive news releases via email, subscribe at www.kirklandwa.gov/ebulletins and select “City News Releases.”