EvergreenHealth wins national award for environmentally responsible health care

EvergreenHealth was recently honored for the third year in a row with the 2012 Partner for Change Award from Practice Greenhealth,

EvergreenHealth was recently honored for the third year in a row with the 2012 Partner for Change Award from Practice Greenhealth, recognizing the organization for its outstanding environmental achievements and focus on sustainability within the health care sector and Eastside community.

As recipients of this award, EvergreenHealth displayed commitment to recycling at least 15 percent of its total waste, concentrated efforts for mercury elimination and successful implementation of pollution prevention programs.

The Partner for Change Award recognizes health care facilities that continuously improve and expand upon their environmental programs and initiatives. The award is one of the Environmental Excellence Awards given annually by Practice Greenhealth, a national membership organization for healthcare facilities committed to environmental responsibility and sustainability.

“We are pleased to be recognized for this significant achievement,” said James Overton, RN, team leader of EvergreenHealth’s Green Team. “On the heels of our recent successful Earth Day celebrations, we are proud to be a model for how elite medical facilities develop and implement programs to improve the health of our patients, staff and community.”

“This award demonstrates EvergreenHealth’s commitment to their patients and the community to protect public health and preserve the environment,” said Laura Wenger, RN, Practice Greenhealth’s executive director. “EvergreenHealth is truly demonstrating leadership for the future of health care.”

EvergreenHealth’s Green Team was specifically lauded by Practice Greenhealth for organizing the annual Earth Day celebration in Kirkland, which highlighted its green history and coincided with EvergreenHealth’s 40th anniversary in 2012.

The Green Team works together to promote and sustain the environmental health of local and global communities though continuous communication, strategic planning and the implementation of cost-effective green practices.

It consists of a core group of EvergreenHealth staff, representing hospital administration, nursing, construction management, the EvergreenHealth Care Network, environmental services, facilities, food services, infection control, laboratory, marketing, operational excellence, pharmacy, purchasing, physicians, professional services and safety.

This is the fourth year in a row that EvergreenHealth has received honors from Practice Greenhealth and the third consecutive year it has received the Partner for Change award. Practice Greenhealth bestowed the Partner Recognition Award to EvergreenHealth in 2009.

Practice Greenhealth is the nation’s leading membership and networking organization for institutions in the healthcare community that have made a commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly practices.

The Practice Greenhealth Environmental Excellence Awards were presented in early May in Denver at CleanMed, the premier national environmental conference for leaders in healthcare sustainability.