In an era of economic restraints and budget cutbacks, donor fatigue certainly has its place.
So the Kirkland Downtown Association has found a new way to ask residents and businesses to help support downtown Kirkland events. And the organization will only ask once.
“Over the years, the KDA and all the people the organization works with on events would basically get what they needed by asking event by event,” said Bill Vadino, KDA executive director. “For the first time, we’re going to ask once for all the events. Every year it’s a struggle to fund these events, so if we can find a way to engage citizens and change the model, it’s going to help.”
The KDA is asking residents for help to support downtown Kirkland events and flower pots and recently launched its “Give a little … Get a lot campaign.” The idea is if 1,000 donors give $200 each, or 4,000 donors give $50 each, this will help the KDA reach its goal of $200,000. However, all donations of any amount will be appreciated, Vadino noted.
One of the campaign’s first milestones is the Fourth of July parade and fireworks, which needs about $65,000 for the entire event, said Vadino.
To help raise funds for the Fourth of July festivities, an auction will also be held from 6-9 p.m. Friday, June 10 in the Marina Park pavilion, 25 Lakeshore Plaza Drive.
Other events the KDA campaign will support include the Summer Concert series, Kirkland Classic Car Show and Cruise-In Dance, holiday tree lighting and Kirkland Wednesday Market. The campaign runs through June.
To donate, visit or mail a check to: Kirkland Downtown Association, 223 Kirkland Ave., Suite 102, Kirkland, WA 98033. For more information about the Fourth of July auction on June 10, e-mail Kellie Jordan at