Help with heating bills still available through Hopelink

Despite the early spring weather, February is considered too early to assume we don't still have to turn up the heat in homes. The good news is that for thousands of local low-income residents, it’s not too late to receive up to $1,000 to help with energy bills.

Despite the early spring weather, February is considered too early to assume we don’t still have to turn up the heat in homes. The good news is that for thousands of local low-income residents, it’s not too late to receive up to $1,000 to help with energy bills.

Hopelink offers assistance through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which helps with the cost of eclectic, gas, oil, propane, wood and coal. For Puget Sound Energy customers, Hopelink also offers help with gas and electric costs through the Puget Sound Energy Help Program (PSE HELP). Assistance is available to both low-income renters and homeowners who live within the Hopelink service area. People do not need to be behind on your bill in order to qualify.

More information is available at Also, people can call Hopelink at 1-800-348-7144 to make an in-person appointment. The line is open 24/7 and is available in English, Russian and Spanish.