The following is a recap of how Kirkland legislators from the 45th and 48th Districts recently voted on several bills and resolutions (according to
House Bill 1086
ESHB 1086, which provides additional savings in the 2009-11 biennial budget, passed the House by a vote of 55 to 43. ESHB 1086 reduces the total state deficit by $345 million, eliminating $222 million in current spending and $123 million in fund transfers. The spending reductions were accomplished by reducing spending across many state agencies and a series of fund transfers. The largest cuts were made to programs at the Department of Social Health Services and educations services. ESHB 1086 is now before the Senate for further consideration.
Yes: Representatives Roger Goodman, Larry Springer, Deborah Eddy and Ross Hunter.
House Resolution 4610
HR 4610, which establishes permanent rules for the state’s House of Representatives, passed the House by a vote of 56 to 41. Each biennium the House and Senate adopt governance rules and procedures for their respective chambers. In particular, HR 4610 establishes a twenty-four hour waiting period before a budget bill may be considered on final passage. Amendments to require a seventy-two hour, and a forty-eight hour, waiting period before final consideration of budget bills failed 42 to 55.
Yes: Goodman, Springer, Eddy, Hunter.
House Bill 1000
HB 1000, which passed the House by a vote of 95 to 0, modifies the voting process for overseas and service voters. HB 1000 provides a county auditor with the authority to send overseas and service voters an official ballot via fax, email or other electronic means. This measure would also allow the overseas or service voters to return the ballot by fax or email, as long as the ballot contains the voter’s signature. In addition, overseas and service voters may request to receive all future ballots via fax, email or other electronic means. HB 1000 is now before the Senate for further consideration.
Yes: Goodman, Springer, Eddy, Hunter.
Senate Bill 5135
SB 5135 modifies the Unemployment Insurance program which includes the approval of extended benefits for beneficiaries, as well as cost savings measures. SB 5135 also establishes a temporary calculation methodology to determine a beneficiary’s compensation under the program, including the use of three year look-back instead of two years. SB 5135, which passed the Senate by a vote of 46 to 1, is now in the House for further consideration.
Yes: Senators Andy Hill and Rodney Tom.
House Bill 1086
ESHB 1086, which passed the Senate by a vote of 38 to 9, provides additional savings in the 2009-11 biennial budget. The Senate modified ESHB 1086 by decreasing total state spending by approximately $394 million. Previously the House passed ESHB 1086, by a vote of 55 to 43, reducing the total state deficit by $345 million. The proposals to reduce state spending were accomplished by reducing spending across many state agencies and a series of fund transfers. The largest cuts under the Senates proposal are focused on Higher Education, Early Learning and the Department of Social Health Services. ESHB 1086 is now before the House for further consideration of the Senate’s amendments.
No: Hill, Tom.