The Kirkland City Council will consider the final adoption of the 2013-2015 Comprehensive Plan Update and related code and map amendments at its regularly scheduled meeting tonight. The City Council will consider several ordinances that, if approved, will adopt the General Elements of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code and Land Use Map amendments, Neighborhood Plans, Totem Lake Business District Plan, Citizen Amendments Requests and the MRM Amendment Request.
View the Staff Memo to the City Council “Final Adoption: 2013-2015 Comprehensive Plan Update (PDF) (Unfinished Business Item 10.e)
Public comment will be accepted at the beginning of the meeting. If you are interested in addressing the Council regarding items related to the Comprehensive Plan Update adoption, please sign in prior to the start of the meeting.
Following the Council’s consideration of the proposed ordinances, a “wrap up” presentation will be given on the Kirkland 2035 public involvement campaign.