The newly elected members of the Kirkland City Council were sworn in Tuesday night at City Hall, with Toby Nixon becoming the first council member from the newly annexed neighborhood of Kingsgate. But the biggest surprise came as the members chose a new deputy mayor to help lead the council.
Council member Doreen Marchione, who also served as Redmond’s mayor from 1984 to 1991, became second lead as council member Penny Sweet stepped aside.
“It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as deputy mayor during the first two years of my term, I have enjoyed it immensely. But as we begin a new term, I would like to nominate Doreen Marchione …,” said Sweet. “… I believe it will serve us well to have such an experienced and respected member of our council acting in this capacity.”
Microsoft moved to Redmond during Marchione’s term as Redmond’s Mayor. She moved to Kirkland from Redmond 19 years ago and her son, John Marchione, is currently the mayor of Redmond. The Deputy Mayor was also the president and CEO of Hopelink from 1992-2006.
The vote for Marchione, along with the vote to re-elect council member Joan McBride as mayor, were unanimous.
“It has been an honor to be the mayor for the last two years,” said McBride. “I look forward, council and citizens and any visitors, to keeping and earning your trust.”
Nixon, who works for Microsoft and is a former two-and-a-half term 45th District State Representative, took the oath of office from Kirkland Municipal Court Judge Michael Lambo. Nixon also served as the co-chair of the Annexation YES! committee and as commissioner of King County Fire Protection District No. 41. He defeated incumbent Jessica Greenway for Position No. 4 by 196 votes out of over 21,000 cast in the race.
Two incumbent council members, Dave Asher and Bob Sternoff, were also sworn in during the meeting. Sternoff won a third term in Position No. 2 by defeating Finn Hill resident Jason Gardiner, 51.55-48.05 percent. Asher won his re-election bid by more than 30 percent, as his opponent Jim Hart, dropped out of the race in September. This will be Asher’s fourth term in Position No. 6.