Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing recently hosted a reception at Trellis Restaurant for its first annual Light the Darkness event.
Between Nov. 28 and Jan. 10, four small groups met, talked about the issue of homelessness, and did what they could to help KITH programs to support homeless families. This season’s events raised $1,350 in donations, plus nearly $600 of in-kind donations including hats, gloves and scarves, which KITH clients received before Christmas.
During the reception, Brenda Berry demonstrated the “Car Kits” her event participants made – Ziploc bags filled with necessities and resource information to give to a homeless person in lieu of cash, helping them to find resources they need to get off the streets and into safety. Other event hosts included: Brenda Berry, who recently began serving as KITH’s volunteer coordinator; Chris Fox, an attorney, and his wife, Nancy Fox, a talented local glass artist; Deborah Jones and Lisa Vanderspek, nutritional consultants with Isagenix International; and Tom Addison of Areva T & D and his wife Chris.
Save the date
Save the date for KITH’s April 16 “Fighting Homelessness – We Mean Business” benefit luncheon to support KITH programs to combat homelessness. Sponsors are needed for both the 7 Hills Bike Ride and the luncheon. Contact KITH Development Director, Christine Addison at For information about KITH, visit