Dr. Robert Webb and Donald Dicks, members of the Rotary Club of Kirkland, were each presented with a Paul Harris plus two pins at a recent club meeting. Merrily Dicks also received her Paul Harris Fellow.
Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary. When a Rotarian makes a $1,000 contribution to the Rotary Foundation they become a Paul Harris Fellow. For additional $1,000 contributions they receive a Paul Harris plus one, two, three, etc. and each level features a new pin with an additional gem on it. Funds are used to provide humanitarian aid and education, and to assist in the relief of pain and suffering throughout the world. For more information, see www.rotary.org.
The Rotary Club of Kirkland meets Monday nights at 6:15 p.m. at the Woodmark Hotel, Carillon Point. For more information, visit www.kirklandrotary.org or contact Club Public Relations Chair Barb Seaton at 206-782-3815.