New York Life’s Child I.D. program is designed to help children in our community learn how to stay safe in the home, at play or wherever they happen to be. Having a child I.D. gives a parent or guardian the peace of mind knowing that should anything ever happen to their child, they will have an I.D. with vital information to distribute to the local authorities.
Skymania Trampolines believes in the value of the New York Life’s Child I.D. program. From 10 a.m. to noon every Wednesday Skymania owner Nancy Burritt will make Skymania available to acquire a child I.D. In only three to five minutes for a child I.D. card to be printed for each parent or guardian free of charge. Child I.D. cards feature a child’s photo, fingerprints, contact information and other pertinent information needed by the police in case of an emergency.
Please note that children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
For more information go to