The Kiwanis Club of Kirkland (KCK) sponsored its Annual Pancake Breakfast at the Kirkland Community Center at Parkplace on May 28. Many club members were on the job at 5 a.m. picking up food, setting up tables and chairs, bringing in table linens and flowers, heating up the grills, making coffee and figuring out who does what with the precision of a well-oiled machine as the Kiwanis Club of Kirkland kicked into gear.
Key Clubbers from local high schools and other volunteers pitched in to help make this event a success. The doors opened at 7 a.m. to hungry patrons who made a $7 donation for a breakfast feast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee, tea, milk and juice.
At 8 a.m. the entertainment began. It was non-stop music and fun from local schools and various entertainers throughout the morning. This was the fourth year entertainment was on the “menu” and it was a huge success, adding a party feeling to the whole affair.
Starting the morning’s entertainment was Alison Banchero, a local singer/song writer and pianist who will be releasing her first EP “STAY” on June 11. Next up was the Lena Hou, who at age 9, became the youngest soloist to sing the National Anthem at the State Capitol’s House Chambers when she was invited by Governor Inslee to perform at his inauguration in Olympia.
The Pancake crowd then had the pleasure of hearing the Juanita High School Jazz Choir perform, directed by Lehua Pischke. Continuing the fun and returning for the second year in a row was the Evergreen Middle School’ Jazz Club, directed by Eric Peterson. Finishing the day and also returning for a second year, was the Carillon Chamber Singers. The choir is a program of the Kirkland Music Academy and directed by Jim Peterson.
In addition to the choir, there were featured soloists from the group that performed. Each group or soloist brought their own unique style, offering a variety of music and a lot of fun.
The KCK wants to give special thanks to one of their members who generously donated the food for the event. Mike Marquess, co-owner of the Casino Caribbean located in the Kingsgate area north of Totem Lake, has been a member of the KCK for six years. He has donated the food for the Pancake Breakfast for the past five years.
“I am glad to help out with the Attain Housing program and to be able to help homeless families,” Marquess said.
The Kiwanis Club of Kirkland donated about $5,000 to Attain Housing (
A generous donation will also made by the Seattle Fund, who agreed to partially match KCK’s donation to Attain Housing for this year’s event.
The annual Pancake Breakfast is one of many fundraisers put on each year by the Kiwanis Club of Kirkland.
If you are interesting in learning more about the club, visit our website at .
By Bonni Sundberg is the marketing chairman for the Kiwanis Club of Kirkland.