On Wednesday, Nov. 14,parents, teachers and interested residents are invited to join members and guests of the Kirkland- Redmond AAUW to hear Dr. Traci Pierce, Superintendent of the Lake Washington School District, discuss current issues and educational plans of the district.
After a brief networking time, starting at 6:30 p.m., the program will begin at 7 p.m. at the Lake Washington School District Resource Center, 16250 NE 74th St., Redmond. The formal program will be followed by a question and answer period and then a short AAUW business meeting.
Dr. Traci Pierce has been Superintendent only since July, 2012, but she has a long history with the Lake Washington School District, including service as a classroom teacher, assistant principal and principal at Inglewood Junior High, followed by central office responsibilities as Coordinator of Instructional Technology, Director of Teaching and Learning, Chief Schools Officer and Deputy Superintendent for Instructional Services. She has a B.A. in English from the University of Washington, an M.Ed. from City University, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington.
Further information about AAUW can be found at: www.aauw.org, www.aauw-wa.org or kr-wa.aauw.net. Founded in 1881, AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy,education, philanthropy and research.
In particular, AAUW advocates for pay equity, freedom from bullying and harassment, support for STEM programs, and enforcement of Title IX. The Kirkland-Redmond Branch was founded in 1977 and welcomes inquiries about membership. It can be found on facebook at: www.facebook.com/aauwkrbranch.