Municipal League supports annexation

The Municipal League of King County recently made recommendations on several measures before voters in the Nov. 3 general election.

The Municipal League opposes Initiative 1033, limiting growth of state, county and city revenues. In addition, the league supports the King County Open Space Charter Amendment No. 4 and supports the annexation of Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita to the City of Kirkland.

The Municipal League supports the goals of the Growth Management Act and believes that completing the annexation and incorporation of the remaining unincorporated areas is appropriate. The league believes current economic downturn and fiscal crisis facing local government have made the timing of this annexation proposal especially awkward as Kirkland is experiencing difficulties meeting the service needs of the existing city. Nevertheless, this annexation is the right thing to do, for the city, for the annexing area, and for the entire region, officials said.

Volunteer members of the Municipal League’s Ballot Issues Committee spent over 120 hours researching, reviewing, considering information and preparing reports regarding these ballot issues. The committee was led by co-chairs Kathy Elias and Vickie Wallen. Each recommendation was carefully reviewed by the Municipal League’s trustees.

The Municipal League of King County is a nonpartisan volunteer organization that has worked to ensure good government that is open, effective and accountable since 1910. The Municipal League is dedicated to improving the caliber of public officials and the quality of public decisions. For more information, contact the Municipal League at 206-622-8333 or visit