Online survey helps Kirkland understand impact of boat noise ordinance

In June 2012, the city of Kirkland enacted an amendment to its existing public disturbance ordinance that allowed for the regulation of watercraft noise

In June 2012, the city of Kirkland enacted an amendment to its existing public disturbance ordinance that allowed for the regulation of watercraft noise (Kirkland Municipal Code 11.84A.070). The law prohibits watercraft noise such as frequent, repetitive or continuous sounds from a horn or siren, excessive engine noise,and audio sound system noise audible from 300 feet or more.

The amendment was in response to community concerns about an increase in noise from boats such as stereo, engine, and loud voices from boat passengers on Lake Washington along Kirkland’s shores.

The city is interested in hearing from those who live, work, visit or enjoy Lake Washington in Kirkland whether the new provision has had an impact on their experience, as well as other safety or environmental concerns. The survey is available online at through April 15.

Input will be shared with the council.