Overlay preparations begin tonight on 124th Street in Kirkland

Drivers traveling along Northeast 112th Street today are reaping the benefits of three weeks of road construction and several months of planning and engineering. That benefit: a new street surface.

Drivers traveling along Northeast 112th Street today are reaping the benefits of three weeks of road construction and several months of planning and engineering. That benefit: a new street surface.

Kirkland’s overlay contractor finished repaving the arterial from A.G. Bell Elementary to 120th Avenue Northeast Aug. 14. Watson Asphalt will finish resurfacing 120th Avenue Northeast Monday and Northeast 116th Street later next week.

Beginning at 9 p.m. on Monday, Watson Asphalt’s night crews will start preparing Northeast 124th Street—from 116th Avenue Northeast to the western side of the 124th Street bridge and from the eastern side of the bridge to 120th Place Northeast—for the same outcome.

The Washington State Department of Transportation plans to resurface the bridge’s surface later this summer. Preparing Northeast 124th Street for resurfacing means grinding three inches from the arterial’s surface.

In some isolated places, it will also mean more intensive repairs in isolated areas. Watson Asphalt’s crews will be working from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., Monday through Thursday, to prepare the street for overlay. They’ll spend another week or so replacing the traffic signals’ systems embedded in the pavement.

By the middle of September, they should be laying down the arterial’s new surface. A second city of Kirkland project — construction of the Cross Kirkland Corridor’s interim trail—will replace 124th Street’s surface from its intersection with the Cross Kirkland Corridor to 124th Avenue Northeast.

The last two arterial sections Kirkland will resurface this year are on 132nd Avenue Northeast, from Northeast 100th Street to Northeast 113th Street and Lake Washington Boulevard, from Lakeview Drive to 10th Avenue South.

Work crews are upgrading the last half-dozen of the 22 curb ramps along Lake Washington Boulevard that were out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Those upgrades should be complete this month.