Public can learn more about 520 bridge construction, designs during open house

Construction on a new State Route 520 floating bridge is just around the corner. Residents and corridor travelers can learn about work planned this spring and updated roadway designs at two open houses next week.

Construction on a new State Route 520 floating bridge is just around the corner. Residents and corridor travelers can learn about work planned this spring and updated roadway designs at two open houses next week.

The Washington State Department of Transportation is hosting the open houses in Medina and Seattle March 27 and 28. In addition to details about construction and floating bridge designs, WSDOT staff will share updated information on designs in the Seattle area, progress on permits and our efforts to minimize effects during construction.

The first open house will run from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 27 at Three Points Elementary School, 7800 N.E. 28th St., Medina. The second will run from 4:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, March 28 at the Museum of History & Industry, 2700 24th Ave. E., Seattle.

Details about the new SR 520 can be found at

The meeting sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice by calling 206-770-3500.