Local students from all grade levels are encouraged to submit art that will be featured in the Olympia office of Sen. Andy Hill through the Capitol Art Program. Art submissions will be accepted through Feb. 1.
“I’m incredibly proud of the artistic talent I see in our community,” said Hill, whose district includes Kirkland, Redmond, Woodinville, Sammamish and Duvall. “This is a great opportunity to display our up-and-coming artists and a reminder of the students I’m in Olympia to serve.”
Submissions should follow the theme of “What do you love about your community or neighborhood?” Students may submit their pieces in person or by mailing their 16-by-24 inch or smaller artwork to Hill’s Olympia office along with the student’s school and contact information.
“Thousands of people visit my office from across the state and I want to give our young artists the opportunity to share more about our community,” Hill said. “I hope this encourages students to continue growing as artists while having a chance to think about their role in shaping the future of our community.”
More information on the Capitol Art Program can be found at www.SenatorAndyHill.com. Mail submissions can be sent to Senator Andy Hill, PO Box 40445, 303 John A. Cherberg Bldg, Olympia, WA 98504-0445. Matte board backing for art is preferred but not required.
Questions about the program can be answered by calling (360) 786-7672 or emailing Andy.Hill@leg.wa.gov.