South Rose Hill neighborhood residents who live near Lake Washington High School are asked to be patient as the City of Kirkland’s contractor, Shoreline Construction Company, begins a six week project this week to replace an aging water main along NE 75th Street from 120th Avenue NE to 124th Avenue NE. The project, a water-system improvement project, is part of a funded 2008-2014 Capital Improvements Project (CIP) and scheduled to cost $253,997.25. Public Works officials say one lane of traffic should be available for emergency access and local traffic. Temporary water service interruptions will occur when the new pipe is permanently tied into the existing water system. Affected property owners will be notified in advance of planned activities associated with this project and are asked to comply with “no parking” restrictions. Following the pipe replacement, the roadway will be paved (weather dependent). Construction hours run from Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. except in the event of an emergency or if a night shut-down is necessary. For more information, contact Denise Pirolo, P.E., Public Works Department at 425-587-3830 or
South Rose Hill water main ties up 75th Street
South Rose Hill neighborhood residents who live near Lake Washington High School are asked to be patient as the City of Kirkland’s contractor, Shoreline Construction Company, begins a six week project this week to replace an aging water main along NE 75th Street from 120th Avenue NE to 124th Avenue NE.