Volunteers needed for Kirkland’s Month of Concern for the Hungry Food Drive

The city of Kirkland, Kirkland Neighborhoods and Hopelink are collecting food and money donations for the Month of Concern for the Hungry Food Drive, which benefits Hopelink’s food bank.

The city of Kirkland, Kirkland Neighborhoods and Hopelink are collecting food and money donations for the Month of Concern for the Hungry Food Drive, which benefits Hopelink’s food bank. In 2014, more than 9,000 pounds of food and $2,500 in cash were donated and organizers are hoping to collect more this year.

To help with the collection, more than 150 volunteers are needed on Sept. 26 and Sept. 27. Morning, mid-day and late-afternoon volunteer shifts are available. Collection sites will be established at the following Kirkland grocery stores: PCC, Metropolitan Market, Red Apple, Fred Meyer, all Safeway stores and all QFC stores.

To volunteer, go to the Month of Concern for the Hungry web site or contact Kari Page, Neighborhood Services Coordinator, at 425-587-3011 or kpage@kirklandwa.gov.