The Kirkland City Council authorized Mayor Amy Walen to sign the Mayor’s National Climate Action Agenda at its July 5 Council Meeting.
“I’m proud that Kirkland will join the long list of other proactive cities across the country,” said Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold. “This signing reaffirms steps that the current and past city councils have made to honor the beautiful natural environment of our city.”
The agenda is a mayor-to-mayor network of U.S. mayors collaborating on climate. There are no binding commitments as a member, only that cities are pursuing actions to achieve an emissions reduction target through developing a community greenhouse gas inventory, setting near- and long-term targets to reduce emissions and developing a climate action plan aligned with the city’s targets.
Protection and enhancement of the natural environment has been a city council goal for many years. Because of the city’s work in support of this goal, Walen’s signing of the agenda will create no new policy or financial obligations for the city.
“This is an opportunity for us as a city to again state clearly that we support projects aimed at emission reduction,” said Arnold. “Joining a network of like-minded cities in this effort is important for both current residents and future generations.”
Visit the Kirkland Green website at for more information on several city environmental initiatives.