Marianne Selfridge | Obituary

January 10, 1943 – March 18, 2024

Marianne was born in Germany at height of WWII and lived through surreal experiences as a child including Allied areal bombing raids; the death of her father; an orphanage that housed and fed her while her mother looked for work and a steady source of income; the Berlin Airlift; and lonely adolescent years punctuated by multiple medical treatments for hearing loss. Yet she persevered and in her early teens emigrated with her mother, older brother, and step-father to Canada where she enrolled in high school and ultimately landed a job with the Toronto area transportation authority. Finding work in Chicago, Marianne moved again with her family to what would ultimately be her home for nearly two decades. She married, had two children, and lived the American dream for a time. After her divorce, Marianne moved to the Seattle area in the early 1980s to be near her mother and step-father and fell in love with Lake Washington and the kind spirit of the region. She lived out the rest of her life here and passed away peacefully this spring at the age of 81. She is survived by her two sons and is undoubtedly sitting on the green grass under the warm sunlight, reunited with her parents and her beloved pets.